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Welcome to the Village of Lancaster!

The Village of Lancaster Historic District has one of the richest concentrations of buildings-both commercial and residential-of significant architectural value in Erie County.  To preserve this rich diversity, application was made to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to be recognized as a historic district.  State criteria were satisfied, and the Village of Lancaster Historic District was sanctioned.  Residents within the district must adhere to preservation guidelines established by the U.S. Department of the Interior. 


The Historic Preservation Commission serves several purposes:

  • Designate identified structures or resources as landmarks and historic districts within the Village.

  • Provide public education of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation.

  • Review applications for Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) for proposed changes to exterior work on structures in the Historic District or Landmarked properties.


One of the main functions we serve is to review applications for Certificates of Appropriateness (COAs). If you, the property owner or tenant, are looking to perform work to your property that includes exterior alterations, restoration, reconstruction or demolition, you will need to apply for a COA. The COA application process can be found here. We also have Signage Guidelines for the Historic District which we encourage business owners to utilize when applying for COAs for signage, these can be found here


A more extensive description of the HPC Review Process Summary can be found here, but simply put:

  • Fill out the COA Application Form – can be found here or at the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office

  • Submit completed COA Application form, $25 fee and required supporting information (see the COA Checklist) to the Clerk-Treasurer Office, 5423 Broadway 2 weeks prior to the upcoming meeting

  • You will receive notification via USPS and e-mail that we received your completed COA Application and you are on the agenda for a hearing at the next HPC meeting

  • Appear at the HPC meeting to present your proposed changes/project and answer questions or provide more information to the HPC

  • The HPC will vote on a proposed determination at the meeting. If your COA Application is approved or Approved with Conditions, you may apply for and receive your building permit.


In addition, all Historic Preservation Commission meetings are open to the public. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm in Council Chambers (second floor) of the Municipal Building (5423 Broadway). Residents and property owners are always welcome and can always discuss potential work with the HPC prior to submitting a COA.

© 2021 by The Village of Lancaster Historic Preservation Commision

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