Local Historic Landmarks
There are tangible and intangible benefits to designation of a property as a landmark. Foremost is formal recognition of the unique historical importance of the property. It honors the property itself as a valued source of pride not only to the property owner, but also to the community as a whole. The designation also protects the property against demolition or major modification which would alter the character of the property.
Owning a historic property allows you to preserve local history or architecture. Living in a historic district or neighborhood supports traditional and historic neighborhoods and communities. Many owners find this experience to be an honor and a privilege. Local landmark status signifies that your property is distinctive and special. It also offers the property owner the invaluable benefit of knowing that a historic home will be treasured as such for generations to come.
The owner of a landmark is also a steward of the property. As such, the owner must obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Lancaster Historic Preservation Commission before making any exterior changes, reconstruction, restoration, new construction, demolition or other material changes to the exterior of a landmark which would be visible from a public street or right of way. Examples would include building an addition, removing a porch, replacing the windows, changing the siding, changing existing materials or building a fence. Renovations on the inside of a building do not require review by the Commission as long as they do not impact the exterior. Also, painting of a building’s exterior does not require review by the Commission.