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​The Historic Preservation Commission received a NYS CLG Grant in 2019 to develop and adopt Local Historic District Design Guidelines. Clinton Brown Company Architecture of Buffalo, NY was hired by the HPC to work with the Commission to develop and compile these design guidelines. The Design Guidelines are a comprehensive guide for property owners within the historic district for historically appropriate treatments for the exterior of their buildings. They include information about the historic architectural styles within our historic district and the history of Lancaster. These Design Guidelines provide accurate information about the proper treatment of historic materials and features within our historic district as well as provide tips and guidance for proper maintenance of historic buildings for our local property owners.  This is an important, informative tool for our property owners to help us maintain and enhance property values as well as the aesthetic of the historic district and continue to improve our Village. Adopted October 2020.

The HPC adopted the Signage Guidelines in November 2018 as a way to convey to property and business owners the goals for appropriate signage within the historic district. These guidelines are meant to complement the Design Guidelines and to provide specific information relating to signage for commercial properties. 

The Design Guidelines were revised in February 2024 to better serve our district. 

The HPC adopted the Mural Guidelines in October 2023 . The Village of Lancaster Board of Trustees directed the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to draft guidelines for the installation of murals on locally designated historic properties or within historic districts in the Village. Mural requests in the Village have been made by individuals and groups as the popularity of outdoor murals, and the availability of funding mechanisms has increased in recent years. The Historic Preservation Commission felt that such requests for murals on locally designated properties required discussion and a set of guidelines by which to make informed decisions about granting Certificates of Appropriateness (COAs).

© 2021 by The Village of Lancaster Historic Preservation Commision

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